Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Infamous Pumpkin Butt

What would Halloween be without him?
Yes, you're right. Hera has a very strange
sense of humor.


Lora Darling said...

OH lord!!! That's the funniest dang thing I've ever seen!

Hera St. Aubyn said...

HA! That's what I thought, too, when I found the photo. I tried to make it bigger (the photo -- not the butt, although I guess the butt would get bigger if the photo did), but couldn't. I'm still on the lookout for more good halloween pix. Wouldn't you love to see a pumpkin painted on some other round parts on a man? The pumpkin could just have a very long stem! HA!

Lora Darling said...

If you find THAT pic, I might pay to see it!!!

Lynda Hilburn said...

Wouldn't it be fun to hold a "Best Painted Butt Contest" in our local communities? We could recruit the hottest guys, get them to expose those delicious cheeks, and give a prize for the best halloween face. I'd like to see the contest go national. International. CNN could cover the event. Then maybe we could discuss painting the other round part. HA!

Lora Darling said...

I'm not sure there are guys hot enough in my neck of the woods :(
If there are, they hide!!!