Thursday, January 25, 2007

Novella is finished! Hopefully, good news will follow.

This artwork reminds me of the characters in the novella I just finished. Yes. I just finished. Now I have to give the last chapter to my crit group, do edits, and then submit! Yes!


Richelle Mead said...

The woman has a neat, haunted look in her eyes. Congrats on the novella!

Hera St. Aubyn said...

Thanks, Richelle! I always love finishing!

Sonja Foust said...

Congrats on finishing! Love that picture.

Tempest Knight said...

Lovely artwork! I thought it was Anita Blake there.

Lynda Hilburn said...

Tempest! Well, dur! Now that I look at it, I wonder if it's someone's Anita and Jean-Claude artwork. Knew I liked it!

Hera St. Aubyn said...

Thank you, Sonja! I'm excited to see what kind of cover Loose Id comes up with!